Your One-Stop Solution for Logistics Needs
Your One-Stop Solution for Logistics Needs
Your One-Stop Solution for Logistics Needs
Your One-Stop Solution for Logistics Needs
Your One-Stop Solution for Logistics Needs
At Orico Distribution

We care about your customers

We believe the true value of using a 3PL company is about cutting cost and saving time, so that you can focus on growing your company. We value our business relationship with each of our clients and seek for long-term partnerships to create “win-win” solutions. Helping you succeed is the key for us to grow our company. In order to achieve that, we offer customized logistics solutions that best fits your business’ needs.


We operate with an extensive network of carriers, finding you the best option that fits your transportation needs.


We offer professional warehousing services that best fit your needs. Our major services include repackaging and labelling, container transloading, retail distribution, and e-commerce fulfillment. Our warehouse staffs are well-trained to provide quality services.

Short-term/Long-term Storage

We offer short-term/long-term storage solutions for customers who are in need of storage space during their peak seasons, or customers who simply wanted to keep their fixed costs down for storage.


We are experts in handling container transloading. We offer a streamlined process from picking up the container from the port to delivering the palletized freight to the customer. We also handle FBA containers going to Amazon fulfillment centers.


Distribution services is one of our core strengths. Our expertise allows us to provide the service in a cost-effective and timely manner. We strive to provide exceptional quality and service to our customers.

E-commerce Fulfillment

We understand the challenges associated with e-commerce fulfillment. We have procedures in place to ensure that each order is accurate and utilizes a WMS system to manage orders and inventory. We also offer discounted courier services to help smaller companies who do not have enough volume to qualify for a deep discount on shipping.